It's not often you get to say "I drank camel milk.", so where's a better place to try it than 'The First and Finest Camel Cafe' in Dubai?
Macadamia and orange peel camel milk chocolates
Complimentary with your drinks
How do you milk a camel let alone make chocolate out of that milk? Thank you to whoever first milked one as this was some pretty sweet chocolate (no pun intended). The texture was similar to normal milk chocolate, but once you took a bite it stuck to your teeth. If no one told us it was camel milk chocolate though we wouldn't have noticed. The only complaint was the orange peel chunks were hard and were the only things left in your mouth. |
Daniel and his first Camel Latté - only in the Middle East!
20Dhs/ 5$ USD/ ±600 yen
"Want to try camel milk?". When Mari asked I was iffy as she previously had a bad first experience. Once I tasted the latte though I was confused as it didn't taste bad at all. The taste is hard to explain (Mari would describe it as a liquified loaf of bread) and has to be tried. It's definitely something to try though because how many people can say they've tried camel milk? The overall experience was pretty fun, and camel milk chocolate from The Majlis is a great souvenir for all your friends back home.
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